Code name: Midnight Eclipse
Super power: Animal Telepathy
Finishing move: The Tokyo Thumb Twist
Representative quote: "You had me at whisker biscuits."
Angie Brewer has a BFA in advertising/graphic design from Sam Houston State University, which helps in her daily quest to make pretty things, and her minor in psychology helps her explain how those pretty things will make people feel. She has 21 years of agency experience in creative concepting, design development and client collaboration and adamantly believes consistency is the key to all great advertising success.* Her specialties include brand building, strategic development, print production and comprehensive multimedia image campaigns (or, as her clients are used to hearing, "the razzle dazzle").
"Whether I am working with a new business that hasn't even decided on their name yet or an established hundred-year-old institution, it is so fun and challenging to take what they want to say (in their words) and transform it into an image that consumers will want to be a part of on a personal level," she said. "It's like building your own community from the ground up."
Angie has extensive experience working with chambers, CVBs, fine arts organizations, automotive, financial and health care providers. She has served on the executive board of the Nacogdoches County Chamber of Commerce, as well as the Chamber's fundraising/special events and Blueberry Festival committees, and has worked on the Stephen F. Austin State University's Friends of the Fine Arts board. She is also involved with the Nacogdoches Economic Development Corporation and is a graduate of Leadership Nacogdoches.
In her free time, she enjoys laughing about all kinds of funny things with her husband, Jeff, taking care of three dogs, gardening, playing the accordion, singing harmony and running the occasional half-marathon.
*You're welcome.